Breaking Down Barriers for Savings and Investments
Our mission: savings without barriers.
About Raisin
Raisin was founded in 2012 with the aim of removing geographic barriers for savers seeking a better return on their money. Since then, we have provided the infrastructure to democratize the global deposit, investment, and pension markets – benefitting people and financial institutions alike.
The Raisin platform enables savers and financial institutions to connect to our award-winning marketplaces across Europe and the U.S. Financial institutions can also tap into our proprietary ecosystem to set up their own marketplaces, or transform their businesses thanks to Banking-as-a-Service solutions offered by Raisin Bank and Raisin Technology.
In 2021, Raisin merged with the leading B2B deposits platform Deposit Solutions, forming one of the biggest Open Banking fintechs to come out of Europe. Today, we cooperate with more than 400 banks from over 30 countries, connecting our partners with savers. Banks and other financial institutions connected to our platform leverage our international network and proven digital architecture to strengthen their funding capabilities or offer their customers a broader choice of competitive interest rates.
Our marketplaces
Through our free, easy-to-use marketplaces, we deliver savers the power of choice.
Live since 2014
149 partner banks
Live since 2016
28 partner banks
Live since 2016
9 partner banks
Live since 2016
30 partner banks
Live since 2019
15 partner banks
Live since 2018
40 partner banks
Live since 2018
40 partner banks
Live since 2023
Live since 2020
Founded in Frankfurt in 1973 as a fully licensed fronting and service bank, Raisin Bank (formerly: MHB-Bank AG) was acquired by Raisin in 2019. Today, Raisin Bank is one of the first cloud banks in Germany and the only German cloud bank passported throughout the EU. As a Banking-as-a-Service provider, Raisin Bank AG addresses the needs of Europe’s fast-growing fintech community with a wide range of innovative, tailored services in the areas of credit, deposits, accounts, and payments.
Investment products
In Germany, we also offer ETF-based investment and pension products, as well as investments in private equity.
Our banking and technology arms provide industry solutions that support our mission for a better and more efficient financial system for everyone. They help us innovate by offering “as-a-Service” digital solutions to business partners.
Partners can take advantage of the full range of Raisin’s integration solutions, providing full process automation and API for free.
We are an international fintech company backed by leading European and U.S. investors. Below are some supporters of our vision of savings and investments without barriers.
Our management team
Achieving great things requires world-class competence and an innovative spirit. Raisin’s experienced team is the key to our success and brings together experience and expertise in the areas of technology, finance, and entrepreneurship.
Dr. Tamaz Georgadze
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) & Founder
Dr. Frank Freund
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) & Founder
Michael Stephan
Chief Operation Officer (COO) & Founder
Katharina Lüth
Chief Client Officer & Managing Director