09.11.2018 | Estimated 4 minutes reading time | Print this article

Balancing work and life at Raisin: meet our Head of Business Clients

Lisa Schmid travels regularly to meet clients and represent Raisin at conferences, but that’s not the reason she’s been to nearly every corner of the world. Her far-flung adventures — extended trips to, among others, a sheep ranch in New Zealand, an organic farm in Iceland, a school in Uganda, and (perhaps less glamorous) Ohio to assist at a therapeutic riding center — were driven by her love of volunteering to help a good cause.

Business Clients - Description - Part 2
Lisa Schmid, Raisin Head of Business Clients

We’re always glad to learn about the personal hobbies and interests of Raisin employees, even more when they turn out to be so laudable! But with Raisin preparing to turn five next month, we know that company culture plays an essential role in promoting a healthy work-life balance.

For example, Lisa: certainly, her commitment to work is unflappable and began early. As for her journey to Raisin, she got a tip early on that this was a start-up to work for and contacted our CEO Tamaz Georgadze. At the moment the company wasn’t hiring, but within a couple of years the right position opened up. Having completed her double undergraduate degree between the prestigious European School of Business at Reutlingen and Reims Management School in France, followed by a master’s in international management at ESADE in Barcelona and UCD Smurfit Dublin, she was a perfect fit for our partner bank management team.

Along with German the Hamburg native also speaks fluent English and French plus good Spanish — side benefits of her love of travel, not to mention important ancillary skills for building strong partner relationships. Raisin works with banks all over Europe so it’s key that our staff be fluent, not just in communicating in the various languages we operate in but the cultures too.

“Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.” — Stephen R. Covey

Having done a variety of internships and early work in B2B, Lisa was pleased to continue in the field, enjoying, in her description, “the more rational decision-making processes” than in B2C. After her start in 2016 as a junior Partner Bank Manager she quickly moved up and by the beginning of this year she was just the right person to take over Raisin’s recent expansion of a deposits offer to SMEs. With interest rates continuing at minus levels in Germany, companies with some cash in the bank have a strong incentive to find competitive rates for their deposits, and that’s exactly what Raisin offers.

Now Lisa manages our business client accounts — typically, smaller limited liability corporations, known as GmbH’s in Germany, owned by their managing directors. Due to growing enthusiasm she is working on making deposits available to SMEs via distribution partnerships and further channels. Accustomed to a strong relationship with their primary bank, business clients tend to come with detailed questions as well as to expect a personalized approach with service tailored to their specific needs. Coming to the position with substantial knowledge and experience in B2B, Lisa has been able to meet and exceed these demands.

Raisin works with banks all over Europe so it’s key that our staff be fluent, not just communicating in the various languages we operate in but the cultures too.

When it comes to the life side of this balance, it’s striking how Lisa’s energy and dedication are as visible in her hobbies as in her career and work at Raisin. Planning expeditions to indulge interests other than service too — she runs and hikes, for instance, and has been getting to know opera in order to follow her sister’s career as an singer — she sets bold goals and pursues them over the long-term. This month she’s headed to Nepal to trek the Annapurna Circuit and we’re staying tuned as well for her results in next summer’s half-marathon in Potsdam. “In order to be focused and productive at work, I truly believe that a balanced life is crucial,” she reflected before sharing the wise words above from the Stephen R. Covey.

As a company, we couldn’t be happier when Lisa and all our other colleagues take their vacations seriously — get out of town, go offline, and whatever else they need in order to live full lives. So for one more demonstration that everyone benefits when employees enjoy their time outside of work… watch to see how Raisin’s Business Clients program continues to expand and evolve under Lisa’s leadership.