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Yes. Please bear in mind that we do not send any information documents by post. All information is available at Your product selections need to be made online. You will then receive the contractual documents to print out and sign – if required.

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At Raisin, you can choose attractive deposit offers from European banks – online and from the comfort of your home. This is how it works:


  1. Open a Raisin Account with Raisin Bank via To successfully open the account please complete the registration process online. Additionally, we will ask you to provide a copy of a valid Proof of Address and complete our videoidentification process. You will then receive your personal login details and will be able to transfer funds to your Raisin Account.
  2. You will then be able to choose a deposit product from one of our partner banks in Raisin’s Online Banking System and submit the required documents. The opening of the deposit account as well as the transfer of funds to the partner bank occurs automatically. All important documents will be posted to your electronic mailbox in the Online Banking System.
  3. At the end of the agreed term, the partner bank will transfer the funds including accrued interest (less withholding tax) back to your Raisin Account unless you choose to prolong your term deposit, which you can easily arrange in the Raisin Online Banking System. Please note that you will only be able to prolong your term deposit.

Please note that it usually takes around 5 business days to open the term deposit account after we have received the necessary documents along with the funds.

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No. We would like to emphasize that at no point will Raisin make recommendations concerning specific products or partner banks. We do not know your personal and individual asset position nor the investment goals you are pursuing, and therefore we are in no position to provide such advice. We appreciate your understanding in this regard.

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Raisin DS GmbH receives a commission from the partner banks. Part of this commission is passed on to Raisin Bank. These commissions enable Raisin and Raisin Bank to provide their services free of charge to you while continuously improving the quality of these services. We are not able to disclose details about these commissions.

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The reference account, the bank account you specified during registration, is your normal current account (such as your salary account) held at a bank in your home country. This reference account is the only account that you can use in combination with your Raisin Account (both for incoming and outgoing payments). Transfers made from other accounts than the reference account will be rejected and automatically after 30 days send back to the originating account.

The Raisin Account is a current account accruing no interest at Raisin Bank, serving as your central online transaction account. When you select a deposit we will debit your Raisin Account and credit the respective amount to your Deposit Account.

Deposit Accounts are accounts which accrue interest held with one of our partner banks. For each deposit product you choose, a new Deposit Account is opened with the respective partner bank. After creating the Deposit Account, the amount you wish to deposit will automatically be transferred from your Raisin Account. At maturity, you then have three options: you may either prolong the deposit, select an alternative deposit product, or the money will be automatically transferred back to your Raisin Account. Please note, that if you take no action, upon maturity, the amount deposited including interest (less withholding taxes if applicable) will be returned to your Raisin Account. There is no automatic rollover.

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No, currently Raisin and its partner banks do not offer yearly payment of interest to the Raisin Account. We are currently in intensive negotiations with other partner banks. As soon as new deposit products become available to you, we will inform you immediately on our website and via our newsletter.

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The maximum investment amount may vary for each partner bank and each term deposit. Please note that some partner banks limit the maximum amount of funds that can be deposited. This is usually the maximum amount covered by the respective national deposit guarantee scheme (usually EUR 100,000 -or the equivalent in the national currency- ). In such cases, it is not possible to exceed this amount irrespective of the term and the number of term deposits. Precise details can be found on the relevant product information sheet.

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Your term deposit is held at the relevant partner bank with whom you enter into a term deposit contract. This contract is sent to your electronic mailbox in the Raisin Online Banking System as soon as the partner bank has opened the account.

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The conditions for the term deposit can be found in the respective product information sheet, as well as in the terms & conditions of the respective partner bank.

Additionally, you will need to agree to the terms & conditions of Raisin DS GmbH and Raisin Bank AG.

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A term deposit (also known as time deposit, fixed term deposit, fixed-rate savings account or fixed-rate bond) is an investment product which allows a one-time investment of a fixed sum for a fixed term at a fixed interest rate – all of which are determined at the beginning.

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For a term deposit, both the repayment of the investment as well as interest payments are contractually guaranteed because neither the investment nor the interest payment are subject to price risk or interest rate risk.

As long as the term deposit is made in EUR, there will be no exchange rate risk if your savings are made in EUR. An exchange rate risk might only occur if a term deposit is made in a different currency to Euros.

An insolvency risk of the bank remains, but this risk will be protected by the respective national deposit guarantee scheme.

Normally, you cannot access funds invested in your term deposit prior to maturity. However, Raisin also has products available that allow for early termination without any penalty fee – please note that in the case of an early termination, the interest rate might be reduced or could be excluded altogether (made void or cancelled).

Another advantage is the guaranteed interest you will receive on the term deposit, especially when comparing it to an overnight account. For an overnight account, a variable interest rate applies. For a term deposit, the pre-agreed interest rate remains unchanged for the entire term.

In addition, you benefit from the fact that all services provided by Raisin are free of charge. There are no fees for opening an account nor for maintaining the account. Furthermore, we bear all the costs incurred for international EUR transfers from your Raisin Account to the term deposit account as well as the charges for transferring funds from the term deposit account to the Raisin Account upon maturity. Only in exceptional cases, such as currency exchanges, may additional costs be incurred. Details can be found in the terms & conditions.

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The term of your chosen deposit starts once we have received all the required documents from you, the funds have been transferred to your term deposit account, and the partner bank has credited your term deposit.

Since the documents are dispatched abroad, the opening of a term deposit may require a few days. Once the term deposit account has been successfully opened, you will be informed via ‘My Deposits’ and via the confirmation of the term deposit. You will also receive a notification via email indicating that you can now access the relevant documents.

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This is your decision, the next step depends entirely on what you decide is best for your particular situation. At maturity you can decide whether the funds will be credited to your Raisin Account or whether they should be reinvested for a further term, in which case the same term length and the interest rate valid at that time will be applicable.

At maturity and upon retransfer of funds from your term deposit, you will receive a statement of the final account balance from the partner bank as a PDF document in your electronic mailbox in the Online Banking System.

Of course, you are free to choose another term deposit at maturity and re-invest your funds. Further information about the term deposits of our partner banks is available on our website as well as in our Online Banking System.

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Interest payments will be credited to your Raisin Account. At maturity the deposit balance including interest and, if applicable, less deductible withholding tax, will be credited to your personal Raisin Account at Raisin Bank.

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A term deposit made in a foreign currency is subject to a currency risk since the exchange rate between a foreign currency and the EUR can fluctuate. The amount repaid in EUR therefore depends on the exchange rate at the time of repayment i.e. if the EUR declines in value against the foreign currency during the term, a currency gain can occur. Conversely, a currency loss can occur if the EUR increases in value during the term against the foreign currency. There are multiple factors which influence the exchange rate. Please note that at no point in time does Raisin make recommendations for single currencies or advise on expected exchange rate developments. Further details regarding opportunities and risks associated with term deposits in a foreign currency can be found in the respective product information sheets.

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The interest rate is guaranteed for the entire term of the deposit of Alior Bank. Interest will be credited to your Raisin Account in Raisin Bank at maturity of your deposit.

For example, an investment of EUR 10,000, at a nominal interest rate of 1.20% p.a. over 2 years, would earn the investor 120 EUR for each year. This amounts to 240 EUR (2 x 120 EUR) for the total amount of interest for the selected term deposit (before withholding tax deducted).

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The durations and current interest rates for J&T Banka’s term deposits can be viewed in the Products page on the Raisin website.

The interest rate is guaranteed for the entire term of the deposit. At maturity the deposit balance including interest and, if applicable, minus deductible withholding tax, will be credited to your Raisin Account at Raisin Bank.

Interest is not compounded and cannot be credit during the term of the deposit.

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We take great pride in carefully selecting the partner banks we work with and aim to provide the most secure service to our customers. However, we are unable to provide a guarantee for the security of our partner banks. To keep you fully informed at all times, we have provided additional information about each term deposit product in the Online Banking System.

It is also extremely important to us to have an open dialogue and close contact with our partner banks. They are responsible for handling your data with confidentiality and we require that they act in a responsible and professional way in accordance with our privacy policy. We only transfer your data to them in order to open a term deposit account. Our partner banks are not permitted to use this information for any other purpose or to sell such information to third parties.

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Information about offers from our partner banks is available online via our website and in the Raisin Online Banking System.

Our newsletter will also keep you up-to-date about any new developments and offers at Raisin. We are happy to inform customers about innovative features, current market trends, product offers, as well as attractive terms from our partner banks.

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The specific requirements for opening a term deposit may vary for each partner bank. The reason for this is the fact that the respective country in which a particular partner bank is based has different legal and regulatory provisions. The individual requirements for each partner bank can be found in the product pages as well as the corresponding product information sheets. When opening a term deposit, the required documents will be provided to you and pre-filled (as far as possible) for your convenience.

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Term deposit contracts are governed by the local laws of the respective country in which the partner bank is based. The contractual language is English.

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The security of your deposit is of the utmost importance to us when selecting our partner banks. For this reason we only cooperate with partner banks who are subject to a national deposit guarantee scheme in accordance with EU regulations and which have a full banking license granted by their national supervisory authority.

Although we work with stable and leading banks, we cannot rule out the possibility of a bank insolvency. If such insolvency occurs, the deposit guarantee scheme of the respective country within the EU will compensate deposits of up to EUR 100,000 (or the equivalent in the national currency) per bank and customer. If this occurs, Raisin will inform and support you during the process.

The specific procedure is regulated by the relevant national deposit guarantee scheme based on EU Directive 2009/14/EC (CELEX Nr. 32009L0014) [see EU Directive 2009/14/EC]

Typically, in the event a bank becomes insolvent, a second (solvent) bank – a so-called servicing bank – is nominated to compensate the deposits to the savers covered by the deposit guarantee scheme.

The saver must apply for compensation payment. However, application requirements for repayment of deposits through deposit guarantee schemes differ slightly between each country. Raisin will, of course, provide assistance in the event a partner bank becomes insolvent.

Details about the deposit guarantee scheme of the relevant country can be found in the respective product information sheet and at

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Yes, the same regulations apply for both domestic and foreign investors throughout the EU. Within the European Union, the minimum requirements were harmonized for every member state by Directives 94/19/EC, 2009/14/EC and 2014/49/EU.

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In accordance with the EU Directives 2009/14/EC (CELEX No. 32009L0014) [see EU Directive 2009/14/EC], states within the EU have set up deposit guarantee schemes which protect deposits of savers per bank, usually with 100% coverage for amounts up to EUR 100,000 (or the equivalent in the national currency).  You can find an overview of the individual regulations in each product information sheet.

National deposit guarantee schemes typically build up a reserve fund by annual levies of all banks within the country. The state usually issues a guarantee for its deposit guarantee scheme, so that sufficient capital is available to cover all the claims of depositors in the event of a major insolvency of banks.

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The guarantee for your term deposit at our European partner banks amounts to EUR 100,000 (or the equivalent amount in the relevant national currency) per partner bank. Across Europe, national deposit guarantee schemes must meet the same minimum requirements (see Directive 94/19/EC, 2009/14/EC, and 2014/49/EU).

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The credit balance on your Raisin Account with Raisin Bank is subject to the German Statutory Deposit Guarantee Scheme.

In Germany, the statutory deposit guarantee covers private financial institutions with deposit operations.

Amounts of up to EUR 100,000 per customer and bank are covered. Therefore, the balance on your Raisin Account with Raisin Bank is protected by the Germany Statutory Deposit Guarantee Scheme for amounts up to EUR 100,000 per customer.

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All member states of the European Union have agreed to protect the deposits of individual savers. For this reason, and in accordance with EU specifications, national deposit guarantee schemes have been put in place to secure the savings deposits of private customers. More details about the EU Directive of 11. March 2009 can be found using the following link: EU Directive 2009/14/EC.

In the event of a financial crisis and in case a bank cannot repay their customers’ deposits (or is unable to repay them on time), the national deposit guarantee scheme steps in and provides repayment. Amounts of up to EUR 100,000 per bank (or the equivalent amount in the relevant national currency) are thereby protected for each customer. Member states outside the euro area ensure that the amounts of national currencies effectively paid to depositors are equivalent to those set out in the EU Directive 2009/14/EC.

The most current EU Directive 2014/49/EU further improves the protection of investors. Since July 2015 the EU Directive is gradually implemented in all Member States. Further information is available at: EU Directive 2014/49/EU

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You can access the Online Banking System directly after registration using your email address and personal identification number (PIN). Once we have received all required documents as well as your videoidentification and completed the account opening process, you will have unlimited access to our Online Banking System.

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The Raisin Account is a German account held with Raisin Bank AG of Frankfurt (Germany). German law therefore applies

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You can access the funds in your Raisin Account at any time, unless they are invested in a term deposit with a partner bank. If you have already applied for the opening of a term deposit account but wish to access your funds, please contact our customer service team in writing.

You can view the amount of funds available in your account at any time by logging in to the Online Banking System. You will see the available balance as well as any transactions still in progress for a term deposit account (‘earmarked funds’).

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For your own security, you may only make a transaction from your Raisin Account to the specified reference account. You cannot make transactions to other accounts.

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In general, services provided by Raisin are free of charge – we bear the costs for you. This includes the opening and maintenance of your Raisin Account, managing international bank transfers (in euros), balance confirmations, account statements and our dedicated team of customer service representatives. The opening and administration of the term deposit accounts at our partner banks are free of charge.

If you transfer money to us from a non-Euro account you will need to be aware of currency conversions as well as the cost incurred with the bank where you hold your reference account. We are only able to accept and send payments in euros.

Only in the case of additional and exceptional services can costs be incurred. Details can be found in Raisin Bank’s current Fee Schedule which is part of the General Terms & Conditions.

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If you are a resident of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland (with the exception of Belgium) and are at least 18 years of age and acting on your own behalf, we will be able to open a Raisin Account for you as a single account. We regret that residents of the United States of America (USA), so-called Permanent Residents, as well as holders of a Green Card (anyone who is considered a “US person”) are not entitled to access the offers due to extensive regulations regarding the transfer of data.

In addition, it is necessary that you accept the Terms & Conditions of both Raisin Bank and Raisin.

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No, it is not possible to open a joint account with Raisin. The same is true for term deposit accounts with our partner banks. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

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Mobile Number:
Your mobile number can only be updated by contacting our customer service by phone. A current mobile number is crucial in order to authorize financial transactions via the mobile TAN (mTAN).

Postal Address:
If you wish to change your postal address, you can request the change in the Online Banking System under ‘Service‘, then click ‘Change Contact Details‘. Please note that we will also require a proof of address document from you. This can either be a bank statement, a certificate of registration (if this exists in your country) or a utility bill (e.g., telephone, gas, and electricity). Please note that the document may not be older than 3 months. Alternatively, you can also provide a copy of your ID-Card if it includes your current address.

Email Address:
Your email address can be easily updated via the Online Banking System by clicking on ‘Service‘, then ‘Change Contact Details‘. Alternatively, you can contact our customer service team and inform them of these changes. It is in the interest of both parties to have the most up-to-date details in the event that we need to contact you.

Master Data:
‘Master data’ refers to the following: first name(s), surname(s), maiden name(s), date of birth, place of birth, gender, and nationality. Please contact our customer service team if you would like to change your master data. We will ask you to submit a new copy of an ID-document (passport or national ID card) and to perform another reference transaction. We will of course keep you informed about all the relevant steps required.

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You can find your documents in your electronic mailbox in the Online Banking System. Simply click on ‘Mailbox’ and then the tab ‘Documents’.

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Access to your Raisin Online Banking System can be automatically blocked for security reasons if your PIN is entered incorrectly five times. You may also independently block access at any time by clicking on ‘Block Account’ under ‘Service’. For this you will need to enter an individually generated mTAN. You can also block access by contacting our customer service team. They will ensure that no unauthorized access to your account is possible.

To unblock access, please contact our customer service team. For security reasons, we will then send you a new PIN letter. With your new PIN you will be able to log in again. We recommend that you subsequently change your PIN. Please note that your PIN must consist of 6-16 characters and should include alphabetical, numeric, and special characters. For security reasons you may not reuse any of your last 10 PINs.

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Please contact our customer service team via phone: +49 30 770 191 295. We will then provide you with your account details.

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Please check if you have entered your User ID and PIN correctly. Please also check if you have not accidentally enabled the Caps Lock key.

If you have forgotten your login details, please contact our customer service team by email or phone +49 30 770 191 295.

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The reference account is the account from which you arrange payments to your Raisin Account and back (it is usually your current or salary account).

If you wish to change your reference account, you can do this in the Online Banking System by going to your secure postbox and sending a message to our customer service requesting a change. You will be sent a form to fill out and then your reference account will be changed.

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Raisin uses mobile TANs (mTAN) to authorize financial transactions. When you initiate a transaction, an individual mTAN is generated and sent to your mobile phone by text message. Please make sure that your mobile phone is configured to receive text messages.

An mTAN provides additional security because it acts as a form of two-factor authentication in combination with the PIN you use to log in to the Raisin Online Banking System. If your login data is stolen, no transactions can be performed without the access to your mobile phone.

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If you forget your PIN, please contact our customer service team by phone or in writing. We will then send you a new PIN letter by post. This will usually take about two bank working days to arrive, but can take up to a week in some cases. You will subsequently be able to log in to the Online Banking System with your User ID and the new PIN. We recommend that you subsequently change your PIN.

Please note that your PIN must have between 6 and 16 characters and should contain a combination of letters, numbers and symbols if possible. Blank spaces are not accepted. For security reasons, you may not reuse any of your last 10 PINs.

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You can change your PIN at any time by logging in to the Raisin Online Banking System and clicking on ‘Service’ and then ‘My Data’. The PIN must have between 6 and 16 characters. It is not possible to reuse any of your last 10 PINs. You must confirm the new PIN with a mobile TAN (mTAN).

Please change your PIN on a regular basis. For your own security, please also avoid using your date of birth, telephone number, postal code, or similar data with recognizable personal information.

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The security of your data is of paramount importance to us. Therefore, we strive to use the latest security standards and technology to ensure you feel protected. Our firewall prevents unauthorized external access to your data in our system and our multi-step encryption and identification system ensures that unauthorized persons can neither intercept your data nor make it readable.

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The request for a tax identification number (TIN) is a regulatory requirement of the European Union (EU). Under the EU Savings Directive, banks are required by law to report the TIN, as well as other relevant information on an annual basis to the appropriate national tax authority. Usually, EU countries use TINs to identify taxpayers in order to facilitate the administration of their national tax affairs.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

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No – neither Raisin DS GmbH nor Raisin Bank AG withhold any taxes on interest earned. Interest income is earned at the relevant partner bank where you hold your term deposit and will be subject to double taxation agreements between your home country and the country of the term deposit investment. At the end of the term you will receive documents from the partner bank with all the information needed for your income tax declaration. Please note that you will be responsible for properly filing your taxes in your home country.

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Yes, you will be provided with a document issued by the partner bank where you hold your term deposit. It will automatically be sent to your electronic mailbox without you having to submit a separate request. You can view, download, and print the documents conveniently and directly in your electronic mailbox.

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It is the high level of security which makes term deposits so attractive to customers. In this case, security refers to both the invested funds as well as the interest earned. This is because both the repayment of the principal (invested amount) and the payment of interest are ensured in the case of term deposits. This advantage arises due to the fact that neither the principal nor the interest are subject to price fluctuation or interest rate risk.

A foreign currency risk exists only if your investment involves exchanging currency. At the same time, if a term deposit is made in foreign currency, there is a possibility to make an exchange rate gain.

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Investing in a term deposit involves limited risk to the customer. As is common for other deposit products, term deposits are secured against insolvency of a credit institution by national deposit guarantee schemes. Based on regulations of the European Union, member states have set up national deposit guarantee schemes which cover up to EUR 100,000 per customer and bank, or the equivalent amount in the respective domestic currency.

If the term deposit exceeds the maximum amount covered by the deposit guarantee, the amount exceeding the deposit guarantee coverage is subject to an insolvency risk if the partner bank goes bankrupt.

There is no business risk because the payment of interest is not tied to any business growth as is the case for stocks.

Political risks, such as the restriction of free movement of capital, are limited within the European Union.

As long as you invest in a term deposit in the same currency (e.g. EUR), no foreign currency risk exists. For term deposits made in a foreign currency, there are some risks. It is in your own interest to note that losses can occur for deposits made in a foreign currency (foreign currency risks). These losses can usually be offset in your personal tax declaration.

Further risks may arise from different legal and tax systems, as well as when dealing in a different language.

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We use your personal data exclusively to process your application and for the subsequent implementation of the contract. If you open a term deposit account abroad, we will forward your data to the relevant partner bank solely for the purpose of opening an account. We select our partner banks very carefully and ensure they adhere to strict data protection regulations through contractual obligations.

We also only give your data to third parties commissioned by us to perform technical, logistical or other services and automatically delete or block your data as soon as the customer relationship ends and the legal data retention period has passed. In this case our data protection policy also applies.

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The data you enter on our website will be saved in our internal database. Information you send by email or contact forms is also saved in order to process your request as efficiently as possible.

Additionally, we automatically save data via cookies. Cookies inform us as soon as your web browser opens our website. You can restrict the storage of data via cookies in your browser settings. However, it should be noted that restricting the use of cookies may mean that you cannot make use of the full functionality of our website.

If you do not wish to receive any further emails, letters or telephone calls which are not related to an existing contract with us, please inform our customer service team by email or by calling +49 30 770 191 295.

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We collect and use data with the aim of continually improving our services. Information is used in order to process your contracts, improve our products, prevent any misuse of our website and to enhance technical, logistical or other services on your behalf.

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Raisin Bank AG is the credit institute behind Raisin and as such it has an obligation to maintain the security and secrecy of customer-related information. Raisin Bank is permitted to pass on information about customers only where and when it is legally required to do so or when a customer has explicitly consented to such sharing of his or her personal data. You may agree to disclose your personal data to partner banks or to Raisin for the purpose of opening a new account.

The protection of personal data with all contractual partners of Raisin is of vital importance. Therefore, all partners are committed to complying with data protection legislation in order to ensure sufficient protection and security of your data. We do not pass on or sell your data to third parties for advertising purposes. More details can be found in our privacy policy.

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The security of your data is of paramount importance to us. Therefore, we strive to use the latest security standards and technology to ensure you feel protected. Our firewall prevents unauthorized external access to your data in our system and our multi-step encryption and identification system ensures that unauthorized persons can neither intercept your data nor make it readable.

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In general, services provided by Raisin are free of charge – we bear the costs for you. This includes the opening and maintenance of your Raisin Account, managing international bank transfers (in euros), balance confirmations, account statements and our dedicated team of customer service representatives. The opening and administration of the term deposit accounts at our partner banks are free of charge.

If you transfer money to us from a non-Euro account you will need to be aware of currency conversions as well as the cost incurred with the bank where you hold your reference account. We are only able to accept and send payments in euros.

Only in the case of additional and exceptional services can costs be incurred. Details can be found in Raisin Bank’s current Fee Schedule which is part of the General Terms & Conditions.

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If you are a resident of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland (with the exception of Belgium) and are at least 18 years of age and acting on your own behalf, we will be able to open a Raisin Account for you as a single account. We regret that residents of the United States of America (USA), so-called Permanent Residents, as well as holders of a Green Card (anyone who is considered a “US person”) are not entitled to access the offers due to extensive regulations regarding the transfer of data.

In addition, it is necessary that you accept the Terms & Conditions of both Raisin Bank and Raisin.

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No, it is not possible to open a joint account with Raisin. The same is true for term deposit accounts with our partner banks. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

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No. We would like to emphasize that at no point will Raisin make recommendations concerning specific products or partner banks. We do not know your personal and individual asset position nor the investment goals you are pursuing, and therefore we are in no position to provide such advice. We appreciate your understanding in this regard.

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The reference account, the bank account you specified during registration, is your normal current account (such as your salary account) held at a bank in your home country. This reference account is the only account that you can use in combination with your Raisin Account (both for incoming and outgoing payments). Transfers made from other accounts than the reference account will be rejected and automatically after 30 days send back to the originating account.

The Raisin Account is a current account accruing no interest at Raisin Bank, serving as your central online transaction account. When you select a deposit we will debit your Raisin Account and credit the respective amount to your Deposit Account.

Deposit Accounts are accounts which accrue interest held with one of our partner banks. For each deposit product you choose, a new Deposit Account is opened with the respective partner bank. After creating the Deposit Account, the amount you wish to deposit will automatically be transferred from your Raisin Account. At maturity, you then have three options: you may either prolong the deposit, select an alternative deposit product, or the money will be automatically transferred back to your Raisin Account. Please note, that if you take no action, upon maturity, the amount deposited including interest (less withholding taxes if applicable) will be returned to your Raisin Account. There is no automatic rollover.

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