
Our blog contains background information and the latest news from the financial world and Raisin. We will always keep you up to date!

02.12.2019 | Estimated 2 minutes reading time

Raisin – Get maximum interest rates for your savings

When looking for ways to invest your hard-earned money, safety and a good return on investment are prime…

02.12.2019 | Estimated 7 minutes reading time

The Pain of Paying and the perfection of consumption

Debit cards. Credit cards. Loyalty cards. Cash. The modern wallet contains more and more means that help…

04.07.2019 | Estimated 9 minutes reading time

Raisin’s Interest Rate Radar: July 2019

End in sight for Mario Draghi’s term but none for penalty interest Most European economies find the…

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Financial planning.

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02.12.2019 | Estimated 2 minutes reading time

Raisin – Get maximum interest rates for your savings

When looking for ways to invest your hard-earned money, safety and a good return on investment are prime…

02.12.2019 | Estimated 4 minutes reading time

How to get the best rates on term deposits: the staircase strategy

As the low-interest phase that Europe is in persists, savers ask themselves: if I can’t even earn interes…

02.12.2019 | Estimated 7 minutes reading time

The Pain of Paying and the perfection of consumption

Debit cards. Credit cards. Loyalty cards. Cash. The modern wallet contains more and more means that help…

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Economy & markets.

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02.12.2019 | Estimated 4 minutes reading time

How savers can beat inflation

High inflation and low interest rates are a big threat for savers. In the long run, however, inflation ca…

04.07.2019 | Estimated 9 minutes reading time

Raisin’s Interest Rate Radar: July 2019

End in sight for Mario Draghi’s term but none for penalty interest Most European economies find the…

01.06.2019 | Estimated 5 minutes reading time

Raisin’s Interest Rate Radar: May-June 2019

ECB weighs low inflation, looks toward future without Draghi In a speech back on May 17, European Central…

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About Raisin.

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05.05.2021 | Estimated 4 minutes reading time

Well-being at Raisin – Stories from Learning & Development

SAWABONA – I see you! Stories from our Learning & Development team by Maja Bazan, Head of Learn…

02.12.2019 | Estimated 2 minutes reading time

Raisin – Get maximum interest rates for your savings

When looking for ways to invest your hard-earned money, safety and a good return on investment are prime…

01.06.2019 | Estimated 5 minutes reading time

Raisin’s Interest Rate Radar: May-June 2019

ECB weighs low inflation, looks toward future without Draghi In a speech back on May 17, European Central…

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